Effective Japanese protein diet, weight loss rules and menu for 7 days

The Japanese diet for 7 days is considered one of the strictest and shortest weight loss schemes, which allows you to achieve good results. This method is a serious test of willpower, so before using it, you should study the rules and features of losing weight in this way.

eating the Japanese diet

Japanese diet for 7 days: what's the point?

The main principle of this weight loss scheme is the inclusion in the diet of foods that contain large amounts of protein, fiber and the necessary vitamin complexes. The addition of salt and carbohydrates to the menu is prohibited.

Distinctive features of the diet:

  • the almost complete absence of breakfast with strict requirements for the composition of the product requires significant willpower from weight loss. The difference from other weight loss schemes is the ban on snacking. If most of the diets include 5-6 meals a day, then in Japanese their number does not exceed 3;
  • The menu of the Japanese diet for 7 days is characterized by a low calorie content. The average daily value is 1100 kilocalories. The products are selected taking into account that fat burning processes are initiated in the body;
  • during the week you will have to eat protein food.

With this approach, the body experiences an excess of fat, so it uses internal resources to achieve balance.

what are the rules

The Japanese diet for 7 days is quite strict, so it is not suitable for all people who are interested in losing weight. People who have difficulties with volitional actions should evaluate their options in order not to harm their health. To do this, you must first study the rules that are provided for the Japanese diet:

  • you are not allowed to change the sequence of the diet at will. For example, you cannot use the environment menu on Friday or any other day. The same applies to the daily regime - for breakfast you should eat those foods that are intended for the morning meal;
  • limiting the use of salt in cooking. If it is difficult to eat without a supplement, then there is no need to burden the psyche again - a small number of weak substitutes are allowed;
  • the Japanese diet for 7 days, like any other weight loss scheme, implies the need to observe the drinking regime. The daily ration should contain 2 liters of clean water. It is better to start the day with a glass of warm still water. The same applies to meal preparation - 30 minutes before lunch and dinner you should drink at least 200 milliliters;
  • you will have to give up the use of sugar and fat milk;
  • The ban also applies to alcoholic beverages. They are not only considered high-calorie, but also have a negative impact on important systems of the human body, which is already stressed due to the transition to a restricted diet;
  • diet preparation is an important step. It includes a gradual change in the diet, accompanied by the refusal of forbidden foods: fried, fatty, etc. The menu for each day of the Japanese diet for 7 days should be supplemented with boiled rice, herbs, sour-milk products;
  • after completing the weight loss process, you need to ensure the right way out of the diet. After a week, it is forbidden to immediately return to a more familiar diet, which includes fatty and spicy foods in large quantities. Everything must be done in sequence. In order to consolidate the result, it is recommended to limit the calorie content of food and observe the principles of proper nutrition;
  • feeding must be carried out in accordance with the schedule - changing the time or skipping them is not allowed;
  • food should be chewed thoroughly. In this way, quick absorption of products is ensured, digestive processes are carried out at a lower cost, which is important for low-calorie dishes;
  • between meals, to dull the feeling of hunger, it is recommended to drink a glass of water or green tea.

If the Japanese diet is used for weight loss, 7 days is considered the maximum duration of the process. If you tighten too much, you can achieve body exhaustion. The second course is recommended no earlier than six months after the previous one.

What are the benefits?

Japanese diet for 7 days - the menu of this scheme for losing excess weight is built in such a way as to guarantee the achievement of the following benefits:

  • in a relatively short period of time per week, you can get rid of up to 6 kilograms of excess weight on average;
  • at the end of the diet, many people get used to the small sizes of the dishes, so they stick to them in the future, which has a positive effect on the body;
  • in addition to losing weight, with the help of a diet you can get rid of toxins and achieve a normal metabolism;
  • the achieved result can be maintained for a long period of time if a person follows the principles of proper nutrition.

Another important advantage, according to reviews: the Japanese diet for 7 days is suitable for people who do not have significant income. Food from the diet is quite cheap and sold in standard stores.

meat and fish for the Japanese diet

What are the disadvantages?

In addition to the pleasant moments, before using the Japanese diet, you should consider its disadvantages:

  • due to the excessively low calorie content of the menu, a person will almost constantly suffer from hunger. In this connection, there may be general weakness, increased drowsiness. In a critical state of the body, there may be impaired coordination of movements or fainting. In this case, you should abandon the diet and choose a more sparing scheme;
  • there are many contraindications;
  • The weight loss plan includes three meals a day without snacks. This feature is largely disputed by nutritionists who insist on the need to increase food intake. Otherwise, the body will experience constant stress, which can provoke a number of problems with important body systems.

The Japanese diet without salt for 7 days is suitable for people who need to get rid of excess weight in a short time, while they are ready for any restrictions. If you don't have motivation and a clear goal, it will be problematic to stay on the weight loss plan throughout the week.

What are the contraindications?

The Japanese diet will have to be abandoned by people who have:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • stomach problems: ulcer, gastritis;
  • lesions of the urinary tract.

Also, contraindications apply to pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding newborns.

How to choose products?

Proper weight loss with the Japanese diet menu for 7 days is ensured only by using the right products. Therefore, their choice should be approached with all care:

  • As a rule, breakfast is made from coffee, since the drink helps to start the metabolism. Even when consumed on an empty stomach, the tested glass has no effect on the body. However, the coffee must be of high quality;
  • Cabbage is considered a staple in the diet. It is low-calorie. At the same time, the stomach is forced to spend more energy for digestion than it receives. In addition, the product has a high fiber content, which ensures the normal functioning of the intestines;
  • when choosing chicken and beef, you should get fresh lean meat, excluding frozen carcasses from the food basket. The same goes for fish.

The other components of the diet must also be of high quality. Special attention should be paid to the shelf life and composition of the products.

sushi for the Japanese diet

Japanese diet menu for 7 days: table

The standard diet is built as follows:

Morning meal. Daily meal. Evening meal.
one. One cup of weak coffee without sugar. 200 milliliters of tomato juice, two boiled eggs and coleslaw seasoned with olive oil. 250 grams of fish, steamed.
2. A cup of coffee. Cookie Substitute - Rye Bread Cracker. A small amount of low-fat fish (250 grams), prepared by boiling, with coleslaw dressed in olive oil. 100 grams of boiled beef and 200 milliliters of zero-fat kefir.
3. Coffee and rye bread cracker. Zucchini cooked in a pan by frying. It is allowed to be used in unlimited quantities. Beef is boiled (200 grams is enough) and 1-2 eggs. As an addition, you can prepare a standard coleslaw.
four. coffee. 50 grams of cheese and boiled carrots with an egg. A green apple in the size of two pieces.
5. Carrots, carefully boiled, with the addition of lemon juice. Boiled chicken breast in the amount of 500 grams, cabbage salad with carrots - all this with olive oil. A green apple in the size of two pieces.
6. coffee. Steamed fish 0 is enough 200 grams. Drink - tomato juice, no more than 200 milliliters. Boiled egg in the size of two pieces and cabbage salad with olive oil.
7. Green tea. 200 grams of boiled beef and one pear. 200 grams of steamed fish, 200 milliliters of kefir.

Menu of the Japanese diet for 7 days: table - reviews about it, as a rule, contain references to those who lost weight to a constant feeling of hunger, but an effective result. In any case, before you start losing weight, you should evaluate your budget and the capabilities of your body.

What results can be achieved?

Reviews of the Japanese diet for 7 days characterize it as an effective method of losing weight. With its help, you can get rid of 5 to 8 kilograms of excess weight in one week. The final result is determined by taking into account the initial weight and individual characteristics.

Japanese diet rolls